What Is the Caring Well Challenge?

The Caring Well Challenge is a unified call to action on the sexual abuse crisis in the Southern Baptist Convention. It provides churches with an adaptable and attainable pathway to immediately enhance their efforts to prevent abuse and care for abuse survivors.

The ERLC and the Sexual Abuse Advisory Group (SAAG) urge all Southern Baptist churches to commit to taking the challenge as an important next step in addressing the crisis of abuse. Churches that commit to the challenge will find resources to help equip their church to navigate these issues.

What is included in the Caring Well Challenge?

Each church that takes the Caring Well Challenge would commit to these eight steps:

1 Commit

Commit to the Caring Well Challenge

2 Build

Build a Caring Well Team to lead your church’s effort

3 Launch

Launch the Caring Well Challenge

4 Train

Train your team

5 Care

Equip leaders through Becoming a Church that Cares Well for the Abused

6 Prepare

Enhance policies, procedures, and practices related to abuse

7 Share

Dedicate Sunday services, on a date that works for your church, to address abuse

8 Reflect

Reflect on the Caring Well Challenge

Why is the Caring Well Challenge necessary?

The vulnerable need protection. Survivors deserve care. Churches desire transformation. The Caring Well Challenge exists to unite the efforts of Southern Baptist churches to ensure that we are doing all we can for our congregations to become safe for survivors and safe from abuse.

Take the 
Caring Well Challenge

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